home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Sunday, December 10, 2023 - Page 8 of 41 - << previous page : next page >>
The Express Monorail was still closed. A tractor was out on the track.
The Express Monorail was still closed. A tractor was out on the track. Click to switch to large image view
1:20pm - Thought about taking the boat to the Grand Floridian but there were a lot of guests waiting and the next boat was out at the Polynesian still.
1:20pm - Thought about taking the boat to the Grand Floridian but there were a lot of guests waiting and the next boat was out at the Polynesian still. Click to switch to large image view
So we walked to the Grand Floridian.  The Polynesian DVC on the opposite shore
So we walked to the Grand Floridian. The Polynesian DVC on the opposite shore Click to switch to large image view
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